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Smoking is one of the worst things kids or adults can do to their bodies. Yet every single day about 4,000 kids between the
ages 12 and 17 start smoking.
Cigarettes contain disgusting things that you would never think about putting in your body.
Tobacco Advertising Gallery: See smoking ads from around the world
55% of middle and high school student smokers in New Jersey are interested in quitting and
have seriously tried to quit in the past year. 1999 New Jersey Youth Tobacco Survey. more facts > |
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According to researchers at the University of California-San
Francisco, cigarettes don’t sell movies, but movies can sell cigarettes! Don’t let Hollywood trick you into smoking
Learn The Facts! |

 Nearly 90% of smokers started before the age of 18. Tobacco companies need kids to stay in business! more > |

 168,000 kids in New Jersey now under age 18 will die from smoking if current trends continue. more > |

 The EPA classifies secondhand smoke as a Class A carcinogen, like asbestos and radon. more > | |
 See what they've said over the years... |
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What You(th) Should Know About Tobacco
Tobacco and Athletic Performance
- Don’t get trapped. Nicotine in cigarettes, cigars, and spit tobacco is addictive.
- Nicotine narrows your blood vessels and puts added strain on your heart.
- Smoking can wreck lungs and reduce oxygen available for muscles used during sports.
- Smokers suffer shortness of breath (gasp!) almost 3 times more often than nonsmokers.
- Smokers run slower and can’t run as far, affecting overall athletic performance.
- Cigars and spit tobacco are NOT safe alternatives.
Tobacco and Personal Appearance
- Yuck! Tobacco smoke can make hair and clothes stink.
- Tobacco stains teeth and causes bad breath.
- Short-term use of spit tobacco can cause cracked lips, white spots, sores, and bleeding in the mouth.
- Surgery to remove oral cancers caused by tobacco use can lead to serious changes in the face. Sean Marcee,
a high school star athlete who used spit tobacco, died of oral cancer when he was 19 years old.
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- Know the truth. Despite all the tobacco use on TV and in movies, music videos, billboards and magazines–most
teens, adults, and athletes DON’T use tobacco.
- Make friends, develop athletic skills, control weight, be independent, be cool ... play sports.
- Don’t waste (burn) money on tobacco. Spend it on CDs, clothes, computer games, and movies.
- Get involved: make your team, school, and home tobacco-free; teach others; join community efforts
to prevent tobacco use.